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Yucatan belongs to the United States of Mexico: and it is free and sovereign in all that concerns its interior regimen, as established on the principles of the Federal Constitution.

The state of Yucatan adopts the republican government, democratic, representative, and popular.

The public power in the state is divided in legislative, executive and judicial.

The legislative power in the state is concentrated in a representative’s assembly that will be called “Congress of the State of Yucatan” The executive power focuses in a citizen who shall be called “Governor of the State of Yucatan”. The election of the governor will be popular and direct, and conducted under the terms the electoral law states. The exercise of the judicial power will be concentrated in the tribunal of superior justice, in the court of first instance and in other established or later on established by the law.

The State, in its human life regulator function, will do what is necessary to assure the solidarity of its members and to guarantee an equal participation on the well-being that comes out of the human interaction.

The State, through its public authorities, guarantees respect to the right of people to live in an ecological environment and the protection of the ecosystems that are part of the natural heritage of Yucatán.

On July 2012, Rolando Zapata Bello was elected to be the governor of Yucatán, after beating Partido Acción Nacional’s candidate, Joaquín Díaz Mena, for the period 2012-2018, and began his administration as Governor of Yucatán on October 1st, 2012.

People from Yucatan is not very involved in politics. Some of them prefer to stay away from political activities just to demonstrate that they are against the government. However, many Yucatecans attend to political events or are part of them. Every administration is always polemical as the services offered or works done are not good enough to satisfy population needs. Although this problems, people do not use to protest because they rarely show themselves against political issues.

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